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Become a nonsmoker and breathe fresh air!

Overcome pornography and feel pure and true passion again!

Achieve your ideal weight and show off your new confidence!

That out of control feeling…. That “one more time” strategy that always fails.  That “tomorrow I’ll do better” belief, where tomorrow never comes.  That shame.  That pain.  That guilt. 


That fight against yourself, where willpower takes SO. MUCH. ENERGY.  One part of you sincerely wanting the transformation that comes from freedom and determined decisiveness.  The other part darkly dooming you like a destructive demon. 


Imagine now, the self-respect, the self-trust, and the self-love that can only come from being genuinely independent from all the enslavement of your demons. 


Pierre & Lori have proven tools and techniques that eliminate the need for willpower so you can have the life you deserve.  Because….


  • When your conscious and unconscious minds are aligned…

  • When your head and heart want the same thing…

  • When what you intellectually know is best for you is what you sincerely crave on an emotional level… 

  • When all the dynamic, energetic, powerful resources of your unconscious mind are supporting the decisions you consciously make…


You have a healthier, wealthier, more energized life! 

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