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Planning Travels








Truly great companies have mastered these secrets of success.  And they all start in the mind.  Begin by asking yourself these questions:


Do I know and have a clear expression of my values? 

Values are part of our most unconscious filters.  Simply put, they’re what’s important to us.  They create motivation, so they determine behavior!  They’re the things we’ll obtain and expend resources to get and have.  They are the lens through which we evaluate all our actions – telling us how we judge what we do.  Right or wrong.  Good or bad.  Success or failureIf you, or your business, do not have a clear understanding of your unconscious values, ultimate success will continue to slip away.  If you’re congruent with your values, that means you know what they are, and your actions are in alignment with them.  And then you’re in the slipstream directly to the achievement of our objectives and goals. 


Do I have commanding power and influence? 

A lack of influence equals a lack of cooperation, compliance, and commitment.  And how does one achieve ultimate influence?  Through mastery of the verbal and nonverbal communication that connect you directly to the unconscious minds of those around you.  Knowing the words, gestures, and even sounds of INFLUENCE is critical to intentionally developing and fostering relationships that supercharge your success in your career or business. 


Are my goals inspiring and compelling? 

A goal that is not sufficiently compelling never has power sufficient to inspire the action necessary to obtain it.  (Go ahead and read that sentence again.)  Linking the conscious and unconscious minds together in the concise creation, precise articulation, and decisive insertion of your goals into your future (Yes – inserting your goals into your future!) transforms those goals from “nice thoughts” to concrete and tangible CERTAINTIES.  And that transformation activates and engages all the power of your unconscious mind.  No more procrastination, confusion, or lukewarm efforts.  This, THIS is the Secret of Creating Your Future®!


If you answered anything less than a whole-hearted “Yes!” to any of these questions, you are operating below your optimal level. 


Our strategic, innovative tools and techniques are proven to generate unparalleled clarity and focus.  We can toss you the keys to motivation, influence, and achievement that will propel you from where you are to where you want to be – and beyond!  Because…


  • When you know and master the dynamic secrets of influence

  • When you confidently communicate with others at an unconscious level

  • When your goals are supercharged with the intense force of conscious-unconscious integration…

  • When you are powerfully and boldly present as the most authentic and energetic version of yourself

  • When all the potent, robust resources of your unconscious mind are supporting every conscious decision you make and action you take…


You truly are the creator of your own future. 

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